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A printable version of these announcements (and the announcements archive) may be found here.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

White Day

Menu: Mac n’ Cheese topped with BBQ Pork Cafe Classic Mac n’ Cheese
Activities: Add/Drop - Direction Center 8:30am-3:30pm (not during Advisory)



1/17 CVU Inspirations
1/17 Seniors: Deadline to submit baby/toddler photo for Yearbook
1/20 No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/22 Juniors: Virtual College Panel Night
2/8 Penguin Plunge & Winter Ball
2/13 8th Grade Family Night
2/21 Winter Carnival
2/24-2/28 No School - Winter Break
3/3 Advisor/Parent or Caregiver/Advisee Conferences
3/4 No School - District In-Service
3/7 CVU Inspirations
3/12 CVU Blood Drive
3/14 End of Snapshot 3
3/19 & 3/20 CVU Concert
3/28 Grade 12: Senior Exit Interviews / Grade 11: SAT / Grades 9 & 10: No classes
3/31 No School - Break




  • Winter Ball is February 8th at the DoubleTree in South Burlington. Tickets are $20 and will be available in House Offices starting Tuesday, January 21. Look for posters around school.
  • Parking: As a reminder, Grade 10 students are *not allowed* to park at CVU. Fines start at $15, rise to $30 for a second violation, $45 for a third, etc. If you have repeated violations, you *will not* be able to participate in the Junior Parking lottery in May.
  • CVU One Act Plays: Do you love to act, or build sets, create costumes, or props? Then be a part of the senior-directed one act plays! Use the QR code on posters to fill out the participation form. Auditions are the week of January 27. Rehearsals and tech days start February 3. Questions? Contact Elisa Van Duyne at
  • The Penguin Plunge is Saturday, February 8th at the Burlington Waterfront! Sign ups are open and fundraising is underway; check your email for a link to your class. Remember that the class who raises the most money will receive a special prize! We will also receive a prize from Special Olympics if our school raises the most money. Questions? Email Claire & Anne at



*Seniors: In preparation for graduation on June 13, 2025, please stop by the Direction Center as soon as possible to check the spelling of your name and how you want it to appear on your diploma. The deadline for making changes is Thursday, January 30. *Please join us in the Direction Center for Virtual College Visits during C3 on Tuesdays & Fridays. In-person visits will occur on Thursdays during the lunch block this year. The schedule is updated on our website daily on the School Counseling/Direction Center page.

Thurs. 1/16 12:00-1:40pm Husky Technologies U.S. Navy Four Corners